About Us

The Staff of St. Luke’s Nursery School believe that Nursery Education is both a valuable and important experience in so far that it is an extension and complement of the care and experiences offered to your child at home.
In coming to Nursery School, parents, child and staff enter into a partnership, working together and learning from each other. The core of the partnership is the child. We believe that it is important that parents and staff work together to promote the physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual development of each child.
We believe that this stage of development in a child’s life is one to be enjoyed in its own right. Laying the foundation for later learning is an added bonus.
Our training and experience in early years education enables us to structure the nursery curriculum and provide the children with a rich variety of challenging play activities and other experiences in a stimulating environment.
We provide for children who are able-bodied and for those with specific needs. Our awareness of their individual differences and needs allows us to organise a suitable curriculum for the children in our care at any particular time.
We strive to promote the all-round personal development of the children, nurturing skills and attitudes, which encourage increased independence, self-confidence, gaining a positive image of themselves as learners.
We believe children’s sense of wonder, amazement and natural curiosity should be satisfied and it is our role to expose them to experiences and situations appropriate to their stage of development.
As trained and experienced staff, we are aware of the importance of adult interaction and participation at the ‘right time’. Through our encouragement, careful questioning, direction and gentle persuasion, we will help the children learn from their experiences.
By providing a safe, secure, interesting, stimulating and challenging learning environment, our children, with the approval and support of their parents, will be gradually weaned from home into the integrated social grouping within the school and later into the wider community.
St Luke's Nursery School, Glasvey Drive, Twinbrook, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 0DB
Phone: 028 9043 1047