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St Luke's Nursery School, Twinbrook, Dunmurry, Belfast

Nursery Reopens

4th Mar 2021

"Dear Parents, Nursery will reopen for all children on Monday 8th March with dinners operational. The following week we will be closed on the 17th and 18th March. These are preplanned holidays, St Patrick’s day being a non operational school day and no dinner provision available on the 18th. The last day for most pupils will be Friday 19th March until after the Easter break. Nursery will remain open for those key worker parents who have no other childcare options from Monday 22nd March until Wednesday 31st March(no dinners during this period) I know this must come with some disappointment but this has been announced by our Education Minister following PHA and Executive guidance. However, we are hopefully at the end and we can look forward to a very happy and successful last term with all children in attendance. Thank you for your continued support and for participating so well in remote learning activities! Remember parents social distancing and the wearing of masks(adults only) on arrival to Nursery. Take care"